Saturday, October 15, 2005

This goes out to my sister in law Ashley!

She's been giving me a hard time for years about saying "pop" instead of calling all soda "coke" like a good Texan should

Now there's demographic info to back her up click here for the map

Thanks to Texas Confederate for the link

I told her you can't spend 15 years (THANKS DAD) wandering in the Yankee wilderness (eastern Ohio - where some know God but few know the Cowboys) and come back unscathed.

I have taken to calling it "sodie water" after I heard a few old timers in Yancy, TX use the term.

It helps to hide the Yankee taint I carry

I'm glad I'm back in the land of cotton ......


  1. I always called it "coke" also until I met Cedric then I started calling it soda because I got tired of him always buying me coke even though he knew I prefered Dr. Pepper. My Granny use to call it "soda water" though. She is from a small Texas town.
    So is that the new baby in the photo?

  2. no that's gracy

    this was taken last summer

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The correct terminology for carbonated beverages such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, etc., is soda. Just thought ya'll should know.

  5. Let's have a Coke and discuss it. Make my Coke a Dr. Pepper. :-) Here's the correct URL -

  6. Soda? Tell the truth, supyo1776: your profile says San Antonio, but you're not a *real* Texan, are you?

  7. Hey Tex I fixed the link :)

    thanks for the heads up.

