Saturday, October 15, 2005

random rant against evolution - aimed at Christians

IF you claim to be a Christian and IF you think you can marry your faith with evolution on any level you should repent. There are many people who are better equipped that I to argue the technical proof in favor of a young earth.

I just want to rant about one fact that I never considered until I heard Doug Phillips address it. When I heard it I felt like a little dim light bulb was trying to light up over my was so obvious to me in terms of its implications for the faith.

It's the topic of death before Adam.

For the household of God we must say with Paul let God be true and every man a liar!

Gen chapters 1-3 teach that until the fall there was no sin in creation and Romans 5:12 says that AFTER the first sin death entered the world - and that BECAUSE death entered the world through sin that is was necessary for a redeemer to come and save us from that death. (verse 16 chapter 5)

What's the point of all this?

The point is that young earth (read uncompromising) creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive propositions, if for no other reason than their view of death in creation.

Evolution wants us to accept that there was a large portion of time BEFORE any man ever evolved, in which whole types of animals lived, evolved and DIED.

God says that

1.) Adam was the first man - created from dirt and given life ex nihilo by God
2.) No animal died before Adam sinned ---- PERIOD

Also if death is a NORMATIVE part of creation, what's all this Redeemer/Saviour business anyway?

You see you can't believe that there were hundreds or thousands or millions of years of death before Adam AND believe the biblical/literal reading of genesis.

Remember "through one man sin entered the world and death THROUGH sin."

For more info check out the book Refuting Compromise by Jonathan Sarfati (Vision Forum has it on sale for seven bucks :)

click here for a much more exhaustive treatment of the topic by James Stambaugh, M.DIV over at ICR.