Friday, September 09, 2005

random thought about how i'd like to write

i am interested in learning to capture emotion in written communication

there are plenty of truth tellers

there are plenty of deep thinkers and deeper writers

there are not so many writers who deliver objective truth in a way that communicates truth to your GUT and your head.

i want to be decidedly not gnostic

i want to be a writer that can capture the feeling you get when .... well if i knew how to describe it i would be the writer i want to be .... i want to be able to communicate life changing truth to your HEART/Liver/gut and not just to your head

most of all i want to know how to do it so i can teach seven little bright smiles to do it so that they can teach it ....etc, etc ......

that is a legacy worth having


  1. a legacy worth adding... you're on your way i think

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