Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Posted by Picasa The baby is Natalie Rose, she is about 12 hours old in the picture to the left. The lady is Betty Stipe she is about 76. The date is January 1, 2000.

We lived next to Miss Betty for about 4 years,until she passed away in '01. She was quite a character:) I'll be posting a few memories of her over the next few days, she made for some interesting stories :)

I'd like to invite my girls to send me their favorite memories of Miss Betty so I can post them here.


  1. ahhh...Miss Betty. Always locking herself out, and knocking on our door to see if I would crawl through her window again. :)

  2. and the key-chain collection: hundreds of them, hung all over her cigarette-smoke-stained walls.
    She lived on social security, to the tune of $500/month, but as soon as her check came she was off to look for new key chains at the corner drugstore.
