Saturday, July 01, 2006

Here is the picture I've been waiting for

Above left to right

James William Coghlan, Perry Clarence Coghlan II, Perry Clarence Coghlan I, Perry Clarence Coghlan III

The picture above was taken on the day I was introduced to my great grandfather, Perry C. Coghlan I, my namesake.

God willing I will be able to post a picture soon of Perry Clarence Coghlan IV with his namesake, my Father.


  1. Yeaaaa we should have so known... I figured it though I even knew there would be a similar picture.
    Well congrats Dad give the son a good example to live up too. So will we call him Perry?

  2. That was my guess too, I just had too much trouble with the "word verification" to comment last night.

  3. What a wonderful picture! And I love that name, Perry Clarence. My dad's middle name was Perry. Well, now I can say it:

    Welcome to the World, Perry Clarence!

  4. I love that piture of your dad! Hilarious!

    My husband is a IV. The closest we got with our 3 boys to a V was naming one of our sons Quintin.

    Wonderful name for your son!
