It amazes me how little things I took for granted in my youth, like profound hymns, come back to comfort me in times of distress or trial.
I had started a post about this hymn last month when Kim posted about the loss of our baby Sarah.
I revived it today when I received the sad news of some good friends who have lost their first child in utero. My heart goes out to the Bennets for their loss and I pray that God will sustain them in this time of trouble.
Whate’er my God ordains is right:His holy will abideth;I will be still
whate’er He doth;And follow where He guideth;He is my God; though dark my
road,He holds me that I shall not fall:Wherefore to Him I leave it all.
Whate’er my God ordains is right:He never will deceive me;He leads me by
the proper path:I know He will not leave me.I take, content, what He hath
sent;His hand can turn my griefs away,And patiently I wait His day.
Whate’er my God ordains is right:His loving thought attends me;No
poison can be in the cupThat my Physician sends me.My God is true; each morn
anewI’ll trust His grace unending,My life to Him commending.
Whate’er my God ordains is right:He is my Friend and Father;He suffers
naught to do me harm,Though many storms may gather,Now I may know both joy and
woe,Some day I shall see clearlyThat He hath loved me dearly.
Whate’er my God ordains is right:Though now this cup, in drinking,May
bitter seem to my faint heart,I take it, all unshrinking.My God is true; each
morn anewSweet comfort yet shall fill my heart,And pain and sorrow shall depart.
Whate’er my God ordains is right:Here shall my stand be taken;Though
sorrow, need, or death be mine,Yet I am not forsaken.My Father’s care is round
me there;He holds me that I shall not fall:And so to Him I leave it all.---------------------------------------
click HERE for a midi of the tune
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
We are clay in His hands
Posted by
11:13 AM
Monday, May 08, 2006
Grandpa came to visit...
My dad flew into town this weekend to pick up a car for my sister. Not wanting to take the giant gas sucking 15 passenger van back to town for the 3rd time last week we drew straws to see which 2 girls would accompany me to the airport.
Becca and Lydia drew the short straws......
Rachel "cuted" her way into the car.
At the airport looking for Grandpa
Grandpa stops for a picture with the grandkids.
There were two more pretty lasses anxiously waiting at the bottom of the drive
They were welcomed into Grandpa C's lap for the ride to the house
Posted by
3:38 PM
Podcasts worth listening to
Dr. George Grant has a podcast up and running (since March but I just found it this weekend).
For your edification are a selection of Sunday School lessons taught by Dr. G as well as a few of his sermons and addresses to the student body @ Franklin Classical School where my brother and sister attend.
Hi Thomas!
Hi Abigail!
You can also check out the PodCast Alley page for a larger selection of podcast archives, including a lecture on the Da Vinci code that I'm looking forward to.
Posted by
8:51 AM
Friday, May 05, 2006
Warning - extremely violent mean prank
It's not nice. In fact it's down right mean. A guy breaks off a piece of lipstick and shoots his sleeping roommate in the head at point blank range.
How mean! How inconsiderate!
How funny. I don't know why...maybe its the way the poor chap screams from out of a dead sleep. If I can't get the embedded player to work then click HERE to see the video
Posted by
10:12 AM