The Southern Poverty Law Center gives us a handy summary of the Chalcedon Foundation's 40th anniversary conference. Now I wasn't priveledged to be there but after reading their synopsis, I for one can't wait to get the tapes!
Some quotes from the article:
"To oppose us is to attack God's law," Mark Rushdoony testified to nearly 200 followers from four states, "and to attack God's law is to attack God himself!"
"Draped in a stark black suit with a shiny gold cross pinned to its lapel, Mark Rushdoony peered down from the pulpit through glasses tinted the color of hellfire. " -- (WOW where can I get some "hellfire glasses? )
"There is no room for democracy in Reconstructionism, and no tolerance for dissent." ( yes there is! No there isn't!)
"Mark Rushdoony leads a small army of true believers whose fundamentalism is so hard core they make garden-variety right-wing evangelicals seem like Unitarians at a Peter, Paul and Mary sing-along" (That's the biggest complement I've gotten all week!)
"Like many homophobes on the religious right..." (wow there is NOTHING biased in that statment is there? Nope not a bit...just brute facts!)
I could go on but you guys have to read this for yourself. I couldn't have written a paraody this funny yet at the same time there is a certain amount of comfort in knowing the enemies of God think we are so dangerous!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Chalcedon Foundation's 40th anniversary
Posted by
10:28 PM
a bad joke
Q: Why do chicken coupes only have two doors?
A: Because if they had four they'd be a sedan!
Posted by
7:09 PM
well NOW she's done it.
Well it's official. We are a blogging family. Mom went and entered the blogospere. You can find her her blog here. I look forward to seeing the pictures of our family that she hopes to post (mom - no 3 year old bathtub
pics allowed!) as well as reading her recollections of her own childhood.
So stop on by and let her know if ya like what ya see.
Posted by
6:54 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Doug Phillips on "End of the Spear"
Finally, it is my sincere desire that independent Christian filmmakers will look to Every Tribe Entertainment as an example of what not to do. More important than the cinematic artistry and emotional power of this one film, is the catastrophic message these filmmakers are sending to the Christian community and the nation. Our standard in evaluating these methodologies behind these films is not The Lord of the Rings or Chariots of Fire (both of which were secular productions from beginning to end that cast homosexuals in lead roles). Our standard remains the Bible. It is by this standard alone that Christian filmmakers must be evaluated. By this standard, we must learn from the mistakes of this film company and aspire to make godly films in a godly way. We must recognize that our Lord is just as concerned with the means as He is with the ends.
Posted by
3:10 PM